Welcome to "Barbara's Excellent Adventure"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2 beautiful photos of Barbara from the weekend

Reading The Book of Common Prayer on Saturday.

Having a visit with her beloved Loden on Thursday,
"that sunny warm day with the windows wide open
and the spring aromas wafting in..." (Angie)


  1. Barb,
    I have not posted since March 23rd, but I just want you to know that I am still hanging in there with you, checking your blog about 2x a day. Yes, I know it's compulsive, but I am anxious to see how you are doing. Greg and Cathy were over last night, and we checked out Betsey's and her kids' blogs. What beautiful grandchildren you have - all of them!!! And nice to see all of the happy times you have had together!

    Love, Na (and all of the other Fralicks)

  2. Franceen and I are with you always in mind, heart and spirit. The love we share is seen daily at your home. This journey is a mystery that you are allowing us to view with you. What grace you give us my dear cousin. The consciousnes is there and then it will not be expressed but you will go on forever. Just thinking of you

  3. Barb,
    I think of you often. What a special person you are. Your smile is contagious.
    Love you,

  4. Barbara,
    The posted pictures are beautiful. I loved your spirit from the first day you came into my office. We hit it off immediately! Even through all the transfer paperwork!
    Sending you smiles, warm thoughts and yellow tulips in my mind! I remember how much you love them.
    Melissa Grudin
