Welcome to "Barbara's Excellent Adventure"

Monday, April 12, 2010

First Weekly Report While Waiting

With all the distractions of my life, I'm not really aware that I'm “waiting.” Van left, with some ambivalence, for China on Wednesday, reassured that I'd be O.K. because Jeff (my gardening pal and surrogate son from Seattle) was to arrive on Friday. Jeff's presence alone is healing, and working in the garden, especially with Jeff, has always been good for my soul. He got here early enough to go for a Dish walk (for those of you who are not local, we call the satellite that sits way up in the open space above Stanford, “The Dish.”) It was the first time I'd been up there since my diagnosis. I took it slowly with walking sticks and camelback (for water), not as easy as it used to be, but the exercise felt great. Also this week, I went back to riding my bike to work, and that feels so good.

Yesterday (Saturday), we went plant shopping at a very interesting nursery in South San Francisco – The Flora Grub – and brought lots of treasures home to plant in my garden. Today it's raining, good for the garden but not inviting us to work in it. Except for a walk around Lake Lagunita (started with a little sun, but ending with a good soaking), Jeff and I are hanging out – he's working on a design project and I'm finishing my to-do list for the weekend.

Thanks for all your ongoing support – Cousin Brigie continues to stop into the temples in Taiwan to offer up prayers; Virginia sent a Medicine Buddha, as an assist to Tinkerbell; Grace is wondering what happened to this week's blog update, as is Laurel. I am quite surprised and touched by people's interest in this unfolding, rather ordinary story. It certainly is helping me, so I shall continue to write weekly updates during this waiting period.


  1. Hi Barbara - I'm so glad to have the link to your blog. I love the photos running across the top; they bring back so many memories. So, I will keep checking in on you this way. As a writer and teacher, I always tell my students that there is something particularly helpful and healing about writing/journaling, as you are demonstrating for us all.

  2. Hi Barbara,
    Been following your Excellent Adventure and glad you are doing so well - your equanimity is inspiring. Glad also for the good news from Van regarding son John.

    Did you know Cliff Stiles from your Carleton class?. His son, T.J.Stiles '86) was recently awarded a Pulitzer for "The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt." He also has received accolades for a previous work about Jesse James. He was on campus for a book signing this week and Meem Asp was planning to attend.

    I noticed your mention of sister, Portia, which brought to mind your well-known musician father, Porter, whom I met at your house in about 1970. You probably don't remember the occasion, but while visiting a cousin in Menlo Park, I gave you and Van a call and was promptly invited for dinner. It turned out your parents were visiting at the time and I remember thinking how gracious of you to include me in your plans at the last minute. It was a memorable evening with plenty of good food and amiable conversation- and probably a few Iron Range stories thrown in for good measure.

    With sincere wishes for a swift and full recovery,
