Welcome to "Barbara's Excellent Adventure"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update from Van 3/17/11

Yesterday (March 16) was a fairly calm, mellow day. Having John and Betsey here is deeply comforting to Barbara and deeply helpful to me--in so many ways on so many levels. There were more visitors, but appropriately fewer than the day before. Her sister Portia was here all day and into the evening. At one point, Barbara said softly to me, "I should be leaving, but I can't let go--I just can't." And then, the line of the day: Portia was sitting at her bedside, working a crossword puzzle. I came in and asked how things were going. Portia said, "Well, she got three words that had me stumped." They were (1) the French word for soul (âme), (2) Beethoven's only opera (Fidelio), and (3) a 19th century violin virtuoso (Paganini). "Wow", I said, thoroughly impressed, "that's terrific!" Barbara smiled that small smile of hers and,ˆ with just a little slurring, said, "Van didn't marry no dummy." Laughter ensued.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this moment with us. It is good to know moments of laughter are shared.
