Welcome to "Barbara's Excellent Adventure"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Update from Van for Sun Mar 27

It's Sunday morning, March 27 as I write this. "Renaissance" is not precisely the right word, but for the last few days, it feels something like that. There have been longer and longer periods of lucidity, engagement, and expressions of that loving, positive spirit Barbara so embodies. Very little pain or other discomfort. Even some slight return of appetite and the sweet feel of flavor on her tongue. She's slept well the last two nights and naps during the day, but often, when apparently asleep, she's hearing almost everything we say, opening her eyes and murmuring, "No, you're not remembering that right."
The formidable Laurel (webmaster for this blog, and much else beside) calculated that yesterday, March 26, was exactly Barbara's 79.5 birthday, a factoid none of the rest of us would have ever thought to calculate. A lovely, lively birthday party ensued--eight of us and Barbara beaming at the center. The pictures don't say it all but they say a lot. In additional serendipity, one of our dearest, oldest friends, Paul Ivory, called from Australia, and the edges of long separation were drawn once again closer together. Her harpsichord teacher, Kathy Perl, will play for her later today.


  1. Sounds like such a fabulous day. Happy 79.5 Barbara !!! Love seeing that smiling face. You and your family are always in our daily thoughts and prayers. Thinking of you,
    Jennifer Ragno

  2. Dear Barbara,
    Wishing you a happy 79 1/2 birthday. Celebrating in true style. Thinking of you everyday and wishing you well. Blessings, Lilian

  3. Dear Barbara and Van,
    What a wonderful remembrance and celebration. Half birthdays are a big deal to my kids. Adam was 8.5 (!) on the 17th of this month and the twins, Naomi and Nathan turned 6 on the 21st. Thank you Barbara and Van, for sharing your love and your journey with those of us blessed to know you. I think of you often and the process of life, living and dying, knowing how full each day can be once we realize that is all we know we have. I have immersed myself in your recommended book, Final Gifts, and find many teachings applicable to "listening and hearing" all that those have to say. Thank you Barbara for caring and loving me. You are with me always. Thank you Van for sharing Barbara through your wonderful words. With much love and a big, tender hug! Jamie
